Been a While!
2018-11-04, 23:39
It has been a while that I could not write here after my first post. I was busy with several stuff on my life recently. We purchased a house out of in Europe and opened an office there. We improved our business and we started to assign new workers for the company. This is a little bit big for me. If you have told me I would have a company which will grow fastly about 10 years ago, I would tell you "go find someone else to make fun of". When I decided to marry with my wife, I had nothing. It is funny but we had not even enough money even for a simple marriage things in gov office. I had t...
It has been a while that I could not write here after my first post. I was busy with several stuff on my life recently. We purchased a house out of in Europe and opened an office there. We improved our business and we started to assign new workers for the company. This is a little bit big for me. If you have told me I would have a company which will grow fastly about 10 years ago, I would tell you "go find someone else to make fun of". When I decided to marry with my wife, I had nothing. It is funny but we had not even enough money even for a simple marriage things in gov office. I had t...

Who am I? How Did I Find Here? Who are Turks?
2018-04-29, 07:13
Before I start to blogging here, I would like to introduce myself, the location where I live and a brief information about history of Turks. My blog will be in English, if it is breaking your terms, I apologize and I will understand the removal of this.
How did I find Blogmn?
I wanted to create a blog for improve my English today. I just checked some opportunities in English language such as wordpress, blogspot, liveblog, etc. Somehow I thought that I can create a blog in Mongolia if I could find a platform for this. When I searched "Blog Mn" on google, I found here and decided to register here....
How did I find Blogmn?
I wanted to create a blog for improve my English today. I just checked some opportunities in English language such as wordpress, blogspot, liveblog, etc. Somehow I thought that I can create a blog in Mongolia if I could find a platform for this. When I searched "Blog Mn" on google, I found here and decided to register here....

New Articles
Been a While!
Hello,It has been a while that I could not write here after my first post. I was busy with several s...
Who am I? How Did I Find Here? Who are Turks?
Before I start to blogging here, I would like to introduce myself, the location where I live and a b...