Welcome to My Blog!

I created this blog for improve the English language and telling about my lifestyle and thoughts.

2018-04-29, 07:13

Who am I? How Did I Find Here? Who are Turks?

Before I start to blogging here, I would like to introduce myself, the location where I live and a brief information about history of Turks. My blog will be in English, if it is breaking your terms, I apologize and I will understand the removal of this.

How did I find Blogmn?

I wanted to create a blog for improve my English today. I just checked some opportunities in English language such as wordpress, blogspot, liveblog, etc. Somehow I thought that I can create a blog in Mongolia if I could find a platform for this. When I searched "Blog Mn" on google, I found here and decided to register here. Registration was quite hard for me though. I think I spent an hour to understand Mongolian language. Thanks to Google Translate, it helped me a lot.

Who am I

My name is Burhan and I am living in Turkey. I am a historian and owner of an agency in my country. I have a son who is named as Kılıзarslan. (Means sword lion in English) I am also married.

Why a Mongolian Blog?

Mongolia is the only country where I visited other than my own country. I visited Orkhon Tablets there. You guys calling them "Human rocks". That was amazing experience for me. Since I wanted to create a blog in a foreign language, I thought it can be in a Mongolian blog all of sudden in the middle of my search. That's why I am here баярлах

Who are Turks?

When I visited Mongolia, I have seen that many people thinking that Turks are people from Middle East and we were always existing there. Most of them don't know that we were sharing similar beliefs and cultures with Mongolians for ages ago. I can't blame them for this though. As I told, it was ages ago. When I told them, Human Rocks has been erected by our ancestors, they were very surprising with that. Actually Turks and Mongolians lived together for ages and maybe it started before the known history. We were marrying each other, we were fighting together and we also fighting each other. ярзайтал инээх However we had one common enemy and it was China. When things were about China, we were always united.

Somehow, Turks have started to migrate Western Asia and they have created large countries there. After a short while they have faced with Islam there and they recognised that religion. They married with Persians in Western Asia and learnt about Persian culture. However Turks have to go further west with the invasion of Genghis Khan. While we were running from Genghis Khan, we conquered all lands in Anatolia from Greeks, Armenians and Rums and we started to live here and recognised this place as our motherland. Of course we don't have much similarities with Central Asians now since we had too much cultural interactions with other nations here.

What will I write in this Blog?

This will be like a diary for me. I will gladly share my thoughts and my experiences about the life here.

Илгээх | 6 хүн уншсан | Бичсэн: EnglishBlogger

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