Welcome to My Blog!

I created this blog for improve the English language and telling about my lifestyle and thoughts.

2018-11-04, 23:39

Been a While!


It has been a while that I could not write here after my first post. I was busy with several stuff on my life recently. We purchased a house out of in Europe and opened an office there. We improved our business and we started to assign new workers for the company. This is a little bit big for me. If you have told me I would have a company which will grow fastly about 10 years ago, I would tell you "go find someone else to make fun of". When I decided to marry with my wife, I had nothing. It is funny but we had not even enough money even for a simple marriage things in gov office. I had to get into debt to my brother for this and for our marriage rings. I have been sacked from the job ... That was sad days but I smile when I remember now and I do not forget where I come from ... I am still working for own my business about 17 hours in a day. It is too much, right? Actually I was not working like that before. This is happened because one of my family members has belittled me in a family meeting and near of my wife because I can not gain enough. It has deeply resented me. It was already the same day I have decided to create my own business. I made all those things with $ 10 investment. Yeah, I am not missing zeros ... баярлах All these things started with only $ 10. (Hahaha. I sound like cheap clichy advertisements now.)

Now I am even working more for my son because I do not want him to face similar things in his life. So guys, if you even fall, do as bob marley told "Get up, stand up and do not give the fight"

I farewell you guys with the song which I listen while I working over and over ... I will be back.

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